This page provides a roadmap to getting involved in the CCE!
的 邦纳奖学金 is a nationally recognized, cohort based, paid civic leadership program. 学生 get an opportunity to do deep and impactful work, 反思他们的订婚经历, and build a community with other students who want to make an impact in their communities. 博纳斯承诺24小时的有偿社区参与, 社区建设, 学习和反思 .
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HIP计划是一项深入建设的努力, mutually beneficial relationships with community partners in order to strengthen the impact of 科罗拉多大学 in the city of Colorado Springs. 的 CCE will support a consortium of 11 community partners toward developing deep, 多方面的, sustained institutional partnerships with students and faculty in areas of need identified by these community partners.
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你知道你可以申请10美元吗,000 to implement a community project over the summer that promotes peace and conflict resolution? 项目可以在世界任何地方进行, giving you the opportunity to invest in peacebuilding from locations abroad to Colorado Springs to your hometown. 这是一个有指导的过程, and faculty and staff across the campus are available to help you refine your project ideas.
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We love our CCE-affiliated student organizations and are excited to support you in either joining or creating one. We highly recommend you check out our current list of student organizations through 这个链接 and see if any of the listed organizations' mission statements align with your interests. 如果你没有看到你在寻找什么, then you can fill out the application form that is also listed on that website and submit a proposal to CCE staff. 一旦我们收到你的建议, we will set up a meeting with you to discuss possible sites you could partner with, 合作领域, 以及学生组织的一般政策. If you would like additional support or information for this process, 你可以联络CCE职员Niki Sosa (nsosa@epmf.net).
伟大的! Landing on the CCE webpage is a great place to start, so you are already on the right track. We encourage all students looking to volunteer off-campus to join a 突破 trip on a Saturday or Block Break to do direct service work in collaboration with other students and a trained 突破 leader, or check out our updated list of volunteer opportunities here. 另外, we encourage students looking to do collaborative off-campus project-based work to join one of our ten 某个问题的联盟. 每个联盟都有一个问题组织者学生实习生, who is responsible for partnering with interested students in finding meaningful work within their designated issue area. If you are inclined to do off-campus work in a class-setting or an applied re搜索, 点击这里阅读PEAK项目. 最后, we encourage all students to set up a meeting with a CCE staff or Co-op member to further explore options, 使用这个 调度联系.
If you are looking to do an engaged re搜索 project out of personal interest, 毕业论文或论文项目, 和/或研究经验和建立联系, 我们推荐你 点击这里阅读PEAK项目. After that, please reach out to our CCE Director, Jordan Travis Radke, at jradke@epmf.net.
很好的问题. We recommend reaching out to our 社区伙伴关系 Coordinator Niki Sosa Gallegos (nsosa@epmf.net)查阅有关拓展合作伙伴的建议和贴士.
While we hope that community engagement helps break up the intensity of the block plan and rigorous academics by providing an outlet for community connection and relationship-building beyond the campus, we do understand that finding the balance between community engagement and school work can be a challenge, especially when students are balancing additional jobs or extra-curricular activities as well. 我们建议联系 咨询中心 to talk through time management strategies, or reaching out to one of our 在校实习生 to learn about the ways that they personally practice time management.
谢谢你的关注和寻找下一步. 作为一个和年轻人一起工作的成年人, you are responsible for reporting your observation to the school district, 和科罗拉多州青少年强制报告机构. 请 reach out to CCE Student Engagement Coordinator, Sarah Elsey, at selsey@epmf.net 有问题的.
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